My return to the handmade life has been a long but satisfying journey.
My pregnancy & the birth of my son (bJuly, 2006) has been the main catalyst in regards to everything I've been involved with art wise so far, since February 2006.
Before that, I had been dabbling with drawings & splashes of paint here and there, but I felt downhearted. I'm so glad that time has passed, and it's upwards & onwards from here on in.
I have a long way to go, in terms of distant goals eg. Travel to and exhibiting my works in Europe, The Pacific Islands, Asia, the U.S. and abroad.
However, I am a big dreamer- with monumental dreams, which I am currently working on making into my 'Reality'.
On that note, I am going to carry on with my collage drawings while my son is peacefully sleeping, until next time-
Kia monuina,
Cerisse Palalagi
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