Working on the Manu prints with artist& friend Natalie Couch, I was about to make a whole bunch of prints in town when I realised I didnt really have time.
I soon remembered that I had old prints from a few years back studying at Te kura toi o Buck Nin sitting underneath my bed. ( I was reluctant to throw them out as I always remembered what my old Art teacher Amanda Bade told me, 'Never throw your prints away, even if you think they are ugly at the time, they'll come in handy one day...& you know what, she was absolutely right!)
I decided to go ahead & recycle these prints by utilising them in this project. Carefully cutting out shapes, this process allowed me to think about how I might use these on each print.
It seemed natural to use these prints in the project as the main colours I had printed in were green, orange & brown.
In the Manu project Natalie Couch & I decided on the exact same colours, hows that for a complete coincidence. I think its the Universe's way of arranging things in time exactly as it is meant to work out.
We both screen printed the dolls onto paper, then collaged & illustrated them to a pint we felt that they were finished.
Initially we were really inspired by the 'Manu' souvenir doll, we were both gifted one as children & they become our connection to all things Maori. We ended up having a play around with her 'features' and presented a few variations of Manu, reflecting the varied features of many Maori women of mixed heritage.
The exhibition is at Artstation , 1 Ponsonby Rd, Auckland
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