Title: Tūāpā – to clear the way
Cerisse Palalagi
2007 screenprint
Edition 1/1
In celebratiion of Spring/ Summer I have started a series of prints based on the notion of 'Whakawatea'- to clear, free, make way.
I am layering the Fresh green oval shapes over the top of one another, creating a sense of depth, inviting the viewer to take a closer look, and reveal multi layered imagery.
Inspiration has come from Papatuanuku herself, New growth on trees, freshly cut grass and making way for new ideas, new ways of thinking, living, and looking.
I have always wanted to use Maori imagery in my prints, & this has presented me with the opportunity to express my love for Kowhaiwhai and Maori artefacts.
These prints are only part of a larger series I am building up for a 5 women printmakers show called, “E moe i te wahine ringa raweke” – Marry the woman with busy hands.
Artists involved in the show are Vanessa Edwards, Sam Farquhar, Ruth Green Cole, Natalie Couch and myself.
Exhibition dates , opening: Saturday 27th October, 4.30pm
The show will be at Kura Gallery,19 Allen Street
Ph: 04 802 4934 Fax: 04 802 4935Email: info@kuragallery.co.nz
Ph: 04 802 4934 Fax: 04 802 4935Email: info@kuragallery.co.nz